I just realized today it has been almost a year since I got the diagnosis of
Fibromyalgia; it will be a year in November.
This past year has been crazy and as much as I intended on getting a
blog going about being a new spoonie, I just haven’t been able to get anything
really going with it. I did buy my very
own domain name but it seems as though something comes up every single month
that prevents me from getting hosting set up. I decided that I’m done waiting—I
am going to launch this on blogger and in the future look to move to a
permanent spot.
I will likely end up going into a much more detailed recount of my life as my
blogging experience grows but for a quick and easy intro here is my story:
At the end 2010 my husband and I found out I was pregnant with our first child.
Up to this pregnancy my health was fairly boring and uneventful; I had my share
of minor illness (it was also strep throat!) and sprains but no major medical
issues. Most of the pregnancy went by smoothly—mild morning sickness, the usual
increasing overall uncomfortable feeling as the weeks went by. In the last few
weeks we had some minor complications but our little girl arrived at 41 weeks
healthy and happy July 2011. I chose to breastfeed which started out rough but
by 16 weeks we had it figured out and she nursed until toddlerhood.
EVERYTHING you hear about being a first time mum, especially a nursing first
time mum is your life is all about sleep deprivation after giving birth.
Looking back, I’m pretty sure my fibro reared its ugly head either at the end
of my first pregnancy or soon after giving birth, I just didn’t know just how
not normal my exhaustion and pain turned out to be. For that first year I was
exhausted, in pain, in a fog…pretty much I had all the signs of fibro but I
assumed it was all just “normal” due to nursing, a new baby, etc. Soon after my
daughter turned one, my husband and I realize she was sleeping pretty well—it
was just ME that wasn’t!
I made doctor’s appointments, was told to start exercising, eat better, and get
back on my antidepressant (been off of it for pregnancy and nursing); all
pretty routine for being under the age of 30. Nothing really changed though, my
pain increased and I started experience flares. I also started gaining weight
rapidly; I gained around 100 pounds despite a good diet and going to the gym
3-5 days a week. From 2012 to 2013 my doctor started testing for all kinds of
things; everything from thyroid and lyme’s disease, to lupus and arthritis. All
my test came back within normal ranges so I also started a pain journal—based
on my recordings, test results, etc I arrived at a fibro diagnosis in November
I am thankful that my diagnosis came pretty quickly compared to many who suffer
for years, decades even not knowing what is wrong with them but it’s still hard
to receive a chronic illness as a diagnosis. My doctor started me on the
routine pharmaceutical that comes after fibro becomes official. Fibromyalgia is
a “designer” illness so that means a LOT of tweaking and experimenting with
literally EVERYTHING to find out what works for the individual. Before I could
find the formula of diet, exercises, meds, and lifestyle changes that would
make fibro manageable for ME…we got some huge news!
I’m expecting again!
My estimate due date is February 2015. I’ve had to go off of all the drugs I
was on; right now I’m only allowed regular old Tylenol (which spoonies know is
worthless). I will look to have a post focusing on week 1-20 of this pregnancy
coming up in the next on how life has been with pregnancy and being new to
fibromyalgia. We are extremely happy and excited to be adding the final
additions to our little family in a few short months. The pregnancy has been
difficult due to the fibro but so far everything is moving along nicely and
free of most complications so far. I’ll have future posting detailing being a
pregnant with fibro over the next 18-ish weeks and I also plan on sharing how the birth goes, definitely scared
on what sort of flare I could have after the stress of delivery! I have found
very little information on pregnancy and fibromyalgia so I hope my little blog
will be able to add to the little bit of info that has been shared from other
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